


AI generated conception of bodies

The portrayal of the nude in accordance to an artistic vision always entailed a submission of the body to the viewer's demands. Intrinsic to such a portrayal is the judgement, more often than not, of a woman as an object of vision, a sight.

While an objectification of the subject in an image (the body as an appearance) is unavoidable, it seems probable to isolate the body (subject) from the individual and in doing so, free the woman from a submission of her body…

A generative neural network, in accommodating the features of the body into its distribution, separates the individualist spirit from the subject while retaining the essence of the body itself.

Such a distribution instills a structural change within the nude and calls for the conception of an alternate way of portraying bodies (or alternate ways of viewing them): while the conventionalized nude entailed the surface of one’s own skin turned into a disguise (as a form of a dress), the AI-generated nude portrays (and isolates) the disguise itself that never belonged to a subject; a body that is free from the individual.